Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

60: XKCD on what?

Answer : Guitar Hero.

59: What's this called?

Be specific. I don't want descriptions.
Answer : Spider Walk.

Monday, December 7, 2009

58: Textual One

If you cover a bulb in a handkerchief and stamp it, thus crushing it and the rest of the hall screams "Mazel Tov!", what just happened to you?
Answer : You got married jewish style.

No. 57: Connect:

What connects all these pictures?
Dawood Ibrahim.

No. 56: Connect

What connects these two creatures (and Ayush)?
Answer : Dumbo.
A is Disney's dumbo the elephant.
B is the dunbo octopus.
Ayush is a dumbo!

No. 55: ID her.

Its hard enough to make it once. But to assume a fake name and make it thrice is just fantastic. Who is she?
Answer : Marilyn Waltz, three time playboy center fold girl.

No. 54: Shot @ the Scoreboard

Questions 54 to 58 mark the opening of the Scoreboard. This is for December. Regular updates shall follow(hopefully).

This is X. He is a tribute to Y, who is the 13th greatest villain of all time. Give both X and Y. Part points.
Answer : X is auto from WALL-E
Y is HAL 9000 from A.C. Clarke's 2001 : A Space Oddessy

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

No. 53


A is named after B. What B is holding in her hands may be a clue. A is a veriety of an optical illusion owing to total internal reflection. Give me both A and B.

No. 52
