Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Keg-O-Lager V: Magna Christa

If I had to play a song at the end of our conquest at Christ Junior College on 24th & 25th Sept, I'd play Pantera's Domination. Because as we all know, F.Y.i dominated like never before at Magna Christa '09.

24th saw the General Quiz. Srimukh, Ani and Pranav finished first for SKCH while Alpha-Q came 2nd and Brunzo cleaned up the tail with Satwik and Diwakar. All 3 winners from F.Y.i. I even proudly grabbed the mike at the end of the roller-coaster quiz and showed off my gang to all dumbfounded onlookers. Muhaha...

25th was the "Science" quiz with questions about Robert Koch, Golden Hour Photography and other questions on similar levels on the pain scale which made us flinch at alarming rates. Taking 2 negatives on the buzzer, Alpha-Q came in 4th. But Srimukh and gang managed to come in 1st again(Surprise!!) while Brunzo and gang came in 2nd. Swaroop and Shreyas came in 3rd thus making it a top 4 F.Y.i finish. Pasted, belted, creamed and terminated? I think so!
May the booze flow like water... Cheers!

P.S: If Ernst Grafenberg would be revealed, we would have nailed the parts of the body question. Who says perversion is bad?

Scoreboard for the month of September

Here are the scores as they stand at the end of the first par of F.Y.i's monthly roll of questions. Vijay tops the scoreboard and will receive a little token of appreciation at the next F.Y.i meet( one of the Fridays in October end) i.e if he turns up(hehe...). Congratulations Vijay. Well done to all you other crack-heads and better luck in October. You do realize the next tabulation will take place on Halloween. So all you spooks, get cracking.

Vijay (220 pts)

Athith (130 pts)

Deepak (115 pts)

Govind (115pts)

Harshavardhan (95 pts)

Caveman (90 pts)

Chandrashekar (60 pts)

Abhilash (55 pts)

Varsha (40 pts)

Pallavi (40 pts)

Suvesh (40 pts)

Swaroop (40 pts)

Akshay (35 pts)

Udit (30 pts)

Athreya (30 pts)

Sharan (30 pts)

Avinash (30 pts)

Debashish (30 pts)

Vishwas (20 pts)

VJ (20 pts)

Bhargava (20 pts)

Madhu Kashyap (20 pts)

Madhusudhan (20 pts)

Homo (20 pts)

Nihar (20 pts)

Rithwik (15 pts)

Volga (10 pts)

Parikshit (10 pts)

Akshath (10 pts)

Elitequizclub (10 pts)

Suraj S (10 pts)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

#37: Look hard!

One name in a particular industry connects both pics here. What one word?

Answer: Gibson. A is Les Paul after whom a string of guitars by Gibson Guitar Corp is named. B is Guitar Hero that uses Gibson guitars for the controllers.

Les Paul shall also be awarded points.
PS: I said Look hard because the answer is on the board behind Les.

Cracked By: Athith, Swaroop, Nihar, Bhargava, Vishwas and Madhu Kashyap.


Keeping it simple...Greetings for what?

Answer: Easter. The postcard shows Easter Rabbits and eggs.
Cracked By: Vijay, Athith, Caveman, Abhilash, Suvesh, Swaroop, Nihar, Sharan, Vishwas, Akshay, Madhu and Volga.

#35: Connect over 24 years!


A befell the same fate as B, 24 years after B's unlucky time thanks to C. Id and connect.

A is Pantera's Dimebag Darrel
B is John Lennon
C is Nathan Gale, Dimebag's murderer.

The connect I was looking for(which nobody managed) was that Dimebag was shot on stage by Gale exactly 24 years after Lennon.

Part pts for IDing to: Vijay, Caveman and Akshay

#34: Housie!

This house in the painting inspired something else in black and white later on that became much more famous than the painting itself. What did this painting inspire?

Answer: This is House by the Railroad by Edward Hopper. I wanted the claim to fame. This is the house which inspired the Bates motel in Hitchcock's Psycho.

Cracked By: Vijay, Deepak, Debashish, Akshay.

Maximum Beneficium (# 33: )

Again....set of 5 questions. Bonus 15 for cracking all. All the best...

ID her and give me her claim to fame for doing something nobody else ever did. (5+5 pts)

Answer: She is Nora Miao. Only female to share a screen kiss with Bruce Lee.
Cracked by: Vijay, Deepak, Rithwik, Akshay.

Friday, September 25, 2009

#32: (S)poof!

Bart portraying role of ______? 5 pts.
Lisa in the audience, is pretty pissed of. Who is she supposed to be? 5 pts.

Answer: Bart is Amadeus Wolfgang Mozart. Lisa is Antonio Salieri. It as the same episode in which Lisa tries to grow a penis to inherit Homer's kingdom!!

Cracked by: Deepak, Govind, Abhilash, Pallavi, Suvesh and Avinash.

#31: Vroom!

Give me the claim to fame of this thing...

Answer: This is La Poderosa, The Norton 500 that Che Guevara used to travel around South America.
Cracked by: Swaroop and Govind

#30: Connect


B belongs to A and shares its name with C. Connect...

A is the movie Mandragora
B is the Mandrake root which belongs to the genus Mandragora
C is the comic strip Mandrake the Magician

The connect is Mandrake.
Cracked by: Suvesh, Athith, Govind & Abhilash.

# 29:

Mad magazine cover showing queer similarities between _______ & _______. Fill both blanks for 10 pts.

Answer: George Bush and Dr. Seuss.
Cracked by: Vijay, Govind, Abhilash, Pallavi, Avinash, Nihar and Sharan.

Maximum Beneficium (# 28: )

Logo of?
Questions 28 - 32 will be a part of a bonus set called Maximum Beneficium where you can score an added 15 points for cracking all 5 in the set. Happy cracking!

Answer:The Theosophical Society.
Cracked By: Sharan and Chandrashekar

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Keg-O-Lager IV

F.Y.i continues its tradition to dominate @ KQA quizzes. At the KQA Anniversary High School Ranking Quiz, Athith and Shubham placed First. Cheers guys.

Rewinding your clocks a little to July 5th, KQA had a meet at IAT and here again, Athith and Shubham placed first with Rooshil and Madhusudan giving them a run for their money and placing closely behind. Let the lager flow like water gentlemen. Here's hoping that the F.Y.i winning streak continues...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

# 27: One word connect

Pic A is the Thompson's Gazelle
Pic B are the Thomson and Thompson Twins
Pic C is the Tommy Gun or Thompson's Submachine gun

Connect is Thompson.

Cracked By: Avinash, Suvesh, Parikshit, Caveman & Harsha.

# 26:

What one word connects a once-upon-a-time happening hangout spot in Bangalore with the supposed immortality of Achilles, the brave Greek hero?

Answer: Styx!
Cracked by: Varsha, Caveman and Govind. Nice one! And Govind... yes Styx is a pub in Bangalore.

Monday, September 21, 2009

# 25: Just One Today...

For 5 points, fill up the blanks in Susie's speech bubble. For another 5, tell me what this strip is a tribute to. Stop thinking dirty and please guys, stop googling!

Answer: "All your base are belong to us". A tribute to the bad english in the classic videogame Zero Wing.
Part points to Vijay and Govind.
Deepak's guess is brilliant and hilarious!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

# 24: Sitter...

Easy one. Identify this man back in his days.

Answer: Hugh Hefner. Founder of Playboy.
Cracked By: Deepak, Vijay and Debashish.
Just 3! I am shocked! not enough Playboy fans!

#23: The dirtiness doesn't stop

This word was popularised by a series of chants at a party in the movie American Pie though it existed before its release. It denotes a sexually attractive aged woman. What's the good word?

Answer: M.I.L.F
Cracked By: Vijay, Deepak, Harsha, Govind, Caveman, Abhilash, Homo

# 22: Think Dirty and connect...

Think Dirty... I mean Suraj dirty...
A: Flag of Scotland
B: Logo of BDSM(Bondage, Discipline, Sado Masochism)

The X on the flag of Scotland is called the St. Andrew's Cross which is a popular device used in S&M to tie the victim down. So the final answer.... St. Andrew's Cross.

Obviously Uncracked.

Sorry For The Delay...

Firstly, sorry for the delay of the new set of questions.
Secondly, the score tabulation and revelation of answers will be delayed by 48hrs due to inaccessibility of the regular FYI system. Questions will be posted though... Only the scores and answers shall remain a temporary mystery. Sorry for the inconvenience...

P.S: God I miss my computer! Stupid logitech keyboard...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

# 21: ID Logo

Answer: Lufthansa
Cracked by:
Way too many people. Questions ought to be 500 times tougher damn it! No mercy!

#20: A rare one liner

In the world of music, what does N.W.O.B.H.M stand for?

This is what Led Zep and Maiden gave us, New Wave Of British Heavy Metal.
Cracked By: Almost everyone!

#19: What's happening?

Identify the 2 people for 5 points. Tell me what this is an archetype instance of for 5pts.

Answer: Cain and Abel. Archetype of Fratricide...
Full points to: Vijay, Athith, Athreya and Chandrashekar.
Part points to: Harsha

#18: Connect

A: Shawshank Prison
B: Stephen King, writer of Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption.
C: Rita Hayworth in Gilda

Cracked By: Agni, Vijay and Udit

Friday, September 18, 2009

# 17: Put Funda

Answer: As you can see, Eddie's wearing panties. This is the album cover of World's Only Female Tribute to Iron Maiden, an album by the band, THE IRON MAIDENS, an all female band.

Cracked by: Rithwik, Vijay, Debashish and Govind. Well done guys...

No. 16. Connect:

A: Jesus depicted as the Lamb of God
B: Heavy Metal band Lamb of God
Connect: Lamb of God.
Cracked by: Deepak. Part points to Vijay for getting connect wrong.

# 15: ID Structure

Name the structure highlighted in black...
Answer: The legendary river Saraswati.
Cracked by: Vijay, Athith, Deepak, Govind.

Keg-O-Lager III

Keg-O-Lager is FYI's way of bringing victorious secrets of rampant quizzers into the limelight. The first Keg officially went to Rooshil and Madhusudan. Keg-O-Lager II went to Alpha-Q for the rotary gig.

This is the third one...
Athith and Shubham, regular FYIers make us proud by emerging victorious at the Presidency Challenge for a second time and bagging laptops each. They were awarded by Narayana Murthy, the man himself! A round of applause and a keg of finely brewed Lager to the kids who seem to be going places...

Athith is also the Mahaquizzer for 2009 @ the School division, a title he ought to flaunt with an arrogant smirk on his face. Get the kid another mug... Its on the house at FYI folks!

No. 14:

What story connects these 2 images?

A: George Bernar Shaw
B: Androcles and the Lion
Shaw wrote a play titled Androcles and The Lion.
Cracked by: Chandrashekar, Vijay and Athith.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Alpha - Q

Hey guys...
Thought you guys should know... 3 of us FYIers (notice pun: Iyer) have formed an alliance(If that's the word I am looking for). Deepak, Udbhav and Me represent SBM Jain college at inter collegiate events. We're called "Alpha - Q". We managed something which we believe is special a few days ago on Monday, the 14th of Sept. To read more, Click Here.

P.S: A special mention of Rooshil Shah and Madhusudan. FYIers who made us proud by placing 3rd at the Bangalore phase of TCS IT Wiz. Well done guys... Cheers.


Hey guys...
I'm not promising much but as an incentive, I am planning to give away small perks to Monthly leaderboard toppers at the next FYI meet. Please keep your mouse away from google. My questions are very much google-able. Keep things nice and original.

Lucky 13?

With whom would you associate these set of diagrams?

Answer: William harvey explaining Blood Circulation
Cracked By: Athith, Deepak, Pallavi, Harsha, Chandrashekar and Suvesh.

No. 12: ID Strange Logo!

Answer: The Masturbate-a-thon. Cracked by the porkiest FYIer, Varsha Kashyap.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

No. 11

What is the difference between Calvin's Time Machine and Transmogrifier?

Quoting Athith: Transmorgifier is a cardboard box with open side facing down.... time machine of calvin is the same cardboard box with open side facing up.

Cracked By Athith, Govind, Vj, Madhusudhan, Harsha & Vijay

Thursday, September 10, 2009

No. 10:

Who is she?
Answer: Chun Li.
Cracked by Vijay.

Monday, September 7, 2009

# 9:ID logo:

Walt Disney's subsidiary.... who?
Answer: Touchstone. Points to Deepak.

Friday, September 4, 2009

number yentu

See da dude standing thr? Well that is Simon Boliver. He was this saviour of a certain continent of nations and saved MANY MANY Nations from the clutches of the goddamn Spaniards...(no racial slur involved in my last comment). The name of this one particular nation that Bolivar saved is said to have been come into existence like this:

Our macha Amerigo Vespucci, went to spot this place and he went thr and saw the habitation of the natives. He saw many houses on rivers and the whole cities built in this complex, this reminded him of Venice and he said "Little Venice" in his language which roughly came into being the name of this nation. Id nation

Answer: Venezuela.
Cracked by Akshath, Harsha, Athith, Deepak and Vijay.

No. se7en: ID the Game...

Answer: Playboy The Mansion.
Cracked by Vijay. Part points to Athith.

# 6: Who's debut?

Who made his first appearance in this fashion?
Answer: Zorro
Cracked by Athith, Harsha and Vijay.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Leaderboard

Like many other Quiz blogs, we at FYI have decided to maintain a leaderboard. This can be seen on display to your right...(all you dyslexics try the other right!).
Simple scoring. 1 point for a crack. Part points at admin's discretion. Admins will not be on the leaderboard. Question is open for points until the answer is revealed. Usually 24 hours unless one of the admins is battling a life or death situation which is very likely to happen often in the near future....
Happy quizzing!

-Suraj and Brunzo

#5: What is happening here?

Simple... What is happening here?
Answer: Running of the bulls at Pamplona every year.
Cracked by Athith, Deepak, Harsha, Vijay and Pallavi.

# 4: Who is this?

Answer: Salazar Slytherin, the all-powerful.
Cracked only by Vijay. Good show sir!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Question no 3!

Wokay! This particular game was initially called Gossima, it was a SUPER FLOP at its birth and the dudes who came up with the game changed it to some other name 'A' and this is one sport whose name change brought loads n loads of popularity to the sport! The swishing sound made while playing this game gave it the name "WIFF WAFF" and the other name 'A'

Answer: Table Tennis/Ping Pong. Cracked by Harshavardan

No. 2

In the world of Music, where would you find this?
Answer: The coiled rattlesnake on the album art of the black albm of Metallica. Cracked by Varsha.